The history of Greek mythology
How was Greek mythology born?
Greek mythology originated from the beliefs and oral traditions of the ancient people of Greece.
Myths were passed down from generation to generation and evolved over time into the complex stories we know today.
Homeric poets such as Homer and Hesiod wrote epic poems that popularized many myths and helped formalize them.
Myths were used to explain the natural world and supernatural events, as well as to teach moral and ethical values.
The definition of the word Mythology?
The definition of the word mythology is a set of beliefs, stories and legends associated with a particular people, culture or religion.
Myths can explain the origins of the world and life, supernatural events, the relationships between gods and mortals, and the moral and ethical values of society.
Who are the Greek goddesses?
Greek goddesses were an array of mythical and supernatural deities who were worshiped in the ancient religion of Greece. Here is a list of the most famous female Greek goddesses:
- Hera : Queen of Olympus, goddess of marriage and birth.
- Aphrodite : goddess of love, beauty and sexuality.
- Demeter : goddess of agriculture, harvests and cereals.
- Athena : goddess of wisdom, military strategy and craftsmanship.
- Artemis : goddess of the hunt, nature and the moon.
- Iris : messenger of the gods, goddess of rainbows.
- Gaia : Goddess of the Earth, mother of nature of all creatures.
- Tyche : goddess of luck and fortune.
- Persephone : goddess of the underworld, death and resurrection.
Who are the Greek gods?
The Greek gods were an array of mythical and supernatural deities who were worshiped in the ancient religion of Greece. Here is a list of the most famous male Greek gods:
- Zeus : supreme god of Olympus, considered the god of the sky, lightning and lightning.
- Poseidon : god of the sea and earthquakes.
- Hades : god of the underworld, the underworld and the dead.
- Apollo : god of light, music, poetry and divination.
- Ares : god of war and violence.
- Hermes : messenger of the gods, god of commerce, luck and diplomacy.
- Dionysus : god of the vine, fermentation and celebration.
- Hephaestus : god of fire, forging and metallurgy.
Famous character from Greek mythology?
1: Jason
Legendary hero, leader of the Argonautical expedition to recover the Golden Grail.
2: Perseus
Legendary hero who killed the Gorgon Medusa and saved Andromeda.
3: Orpheus
Legendary hero who used his musical talent to try to bring his wife Eurydice back from the underworld.
4: Bellerophon
Legendary hero who slew the blood dragon and rode the winged horse Pegasus.
5: Theseus
Legendary hero who killed the Minotaur and married Ariadne.
6: Prometheus
Titan who gave fire to humans and was punished by Zeus.
7: Medusa
Gorgon famous for his serpentine hair that turned people to stone.
8: Icarus
Legendary character who flew too close to the sun with wings of molten wax.
9: Hercules
Herakles in Greek, demi-god famous for his twelve labors.
10: Ulysses
Legendary hero of the Iliad and the Odyssey.
There are many other important characters in Greek mythology, such as centaurs, giants, nymphs, mermaids, etc. Each of these characters adds a layer of depth and complexity to the rich Greek mythological tradition.
The different Greek myths?
Greek myths are numerous and cover a variety of topics, from the origin of the world to the stories of gods and heroes, to tales of fantastical creatures and epic deaths.
1: The creation of the world
According to Greek mythology, the world was created by the gods, and in particular by Chronos, who devoured his children, and by Ouranos, who was dethroned by his son Kronos.
2: The Trojan War
This story recounts the war between the Greeks and the Trojans, which was sparked by the kidnapping of Helen, the queen of Sparta, by Paris, prince of Troy.
3: The twelve Olympian gods
The twelve Olympian gods are the most important gods in Greek mythology and include Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Athena, Ares, and others. a 13th god is added to them, god of the underworld, Hades
4: The heroes
Greek myths also include stories about many heroes, such as Jason and the Argonauts, Odysseus and the Return from Ithaca, Hercules and his Twelve Labors, Atalanta, Kratos, and many more.
5: Fantastic Creatures
Greek mythology is also populated with many fantastical creatures, such as Minotaurs, Gorgons, Cyclops and Sirens.
The links with Roman mythology?
Influenced and adapted from Greek mythology, it was adopted and adapted to meet the needs of Roman society.
1: The Roman gods
Roman gods include Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and others, who were associated with various aspects of life, such as war, love, wealth, and trade.
2: The heroes
Roman mythology also includes stories about heroes such as Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, and Cincinnatus , an ordinary man called to rule the country.
3: Urban legends
There are also many urban legends regarding the founding of Rome, such as the legend of the she-wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus , and the legend of Tarpeia .
4: The myths of the seasons
Roman mythology also includes stories about the seasons, such as the legend of Vertumnus and Pomona, who represent spring and autumn.
What connection with Nordic mythology?
Although Norse mythology and Greek mythology are distinct and come from different cultures, they nevertheless have some similarities and mutual influences.
First of all, Norse mythology was influenced by Greek mythology in regards to the depiction of gods and goddesses and their powers. For example, the Norse godThor has similarities with the Greek god Zeus regarding their thunder god characteristic and violent character.
Likewise, Greek mythology was also influenced by Norse mythology. Some historical sources suggest that the Vikings visited ancient Greece and had an impact on Greek culture and beliefs. For example, the Greek god of war, Ares, is often described as being similar to the Norse god of war, Tyr .
Additionally, there are also general similarities between the two mythologies such as the existence of an underworld for the dead, the importance of epic battles between the gods, and the belief in an end of the world called Ragnarok for the mythology Nordic and the Greek Ragnarok called the Last Judgment.
In conclusion, although Norse mythology and Greek mythology are distinct, they nevertheless have similarities and mutual influences that can be seen in the depictions and characteristics of their gods and goddesses.
What connection with the mythology of the Egyptian gods?
There are also similarities and reciprocal influences between Egyptian mythology and Greek mythology.
First of all, Egyptian mythology had an influence on Greek mythology, especially when the Greeks became aware of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Egyptian gods such asIsis , Horus , and Osiris became popular among the Greeks and were adopted into Greek mythology in similar forms, but with different names.
Likewise, Greek mythology also influenced Egyptian mythology. When the Greeks became the rulers of Egypt, their culture and beliefs were introduced to the region and merged with existing Egyptian mythology. This led to the creation of new Egyptian gods in Greek form, such as Serapis , a god associated with health, healing and resurrection.
There are also general similarities between the two mythologies as in Norse mythology such as the belief in an underworld for the dead.
Belief in an afterlife and belief in a hierarchy of gods who have power over various aspects of life.
In conclusion, Egyptian mythology and Greek mythology are closely linked by the mutual influences and similarities that can be seen in their beliefs, gods and legends.