The Spartans in Greek mythology
Who are the Spartans in Greek mythology?
In Greek mythology, the Spartans were a warlike people of ancient Greece, originating from Sparta , located in the southern Peloponnese. The Spartans were particularly known for their military might and rigid discipline, as well as their commitment to war and the defense of their territory.
The Spartans were also closely linked to the legend of the Trojan War, in which they played a key role as members of the Greek coalition against Troy. The best-known Spartan hero of this era was King Menelaus , husband of Helen, whose kidnapping by the Trojan prince Paris started the Trojan War.
The discipline of the Spartans among the Greeks
Discipline was one of the main characteristics of Spartan society, which was renowned for its rigor and strict order. The Spartans believed that discipline was essential to ensure the military strength of their state and maintain social order.
Spartan children were subjected to a rigorous and severe education, known as agôgè .
Discipline was also important in the Spartans' military training. Young boys were subjected to intensive training in the art of war, including weapons handling, military strategy and tactics. Discipline was maintained through severe punishments for any inappropriate behavior or disrespect towards military authorities.
The cult of the god Ares among the Spartans
The god Ares was important to the Spartans as the god of war, violence and brute force. The Spartans believed that the survival of their state depended on their military strength, and therefore the favor of Ares.
Ares, son ofZeus and Hera and was often depicted as a brutal and impulsive warrior, loving chaos and carnage. The Spartans, who were also known for their warlike and violent nature, were therefore attracted to the figure of Ares and adopted his worship into their daily lives.
The power of masculinity to survive among the Spartans
The Spartans were known for their warrior culture and their obsession with physical and mental strength. Their society was heavily militarized and based on the idea that the survival of the state depended on the strength and virility of its citizens.
In this society, young boys were subjected to rigorous military training from a young age, with the goal of training them to become strong and capable soldiers. Young Spartan men were encouraged to develop courage, physical endurance, loyalty to the state, and the ability to fight without fear.
At the same time, Spartan women were also encouraged to be strong and healthy, as they were seen as the mothers of future Spartan warriors and their role was seen as essential for the survival of the state.
However, this obsession with strength and virility also led to brutal practices, such as the abandonment of babies who did not meet physical standards or the practice of agôgè, a system of military training that was considered extremely hard and could be traumatic for young boys.
Ultimately, their practices were necessary for the times which were very harsh.
Ares vs Mithras, the gods of war in confrontation
Ares was known to be impulsive and aggressive, loving violence and carnage. On the other hand, Mithras was considered a just and powerful god, linked to the sun and the life force of nature. Although both gods are associated with war, their characteristics and powers are different.
According to history, the Greeks won their case and finally defeated the Persians.
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